Specialising in the reproduction of historic knives and cutlery from the Iron Age through to the modern day, Tom at Big Beynon’s Blacksmithing aims to provide re-enactors, living historians and museums the most accurate items possible. All of his historic knives are forged by his own hand and are created using as traditional techniques as possible. Every knife he makes is well researched so that the correct materials and techniques are used for every aspect of the knife, even down to the metal composition of the blade. Not only does this make his knives hyper accurate and functional but also ideally suited to experimental archaeology and living history displays.
With a library of the archaeology of well over 3000 knives detailing their dimensions and materials, Tom is always determined to make you an accurate, hand forged knife that is perfect for not just the time period you display but also the social status of your impression.
Tom will always do his best to help you find the knife that is best suited for you as he believes that picking the right knife is just as important as picking the right shoes…. of course, if you just want the shiniest knife available, he is also happy to oblige!
Contact:- Email [email protected]
Phone:- 079 442 96 115